Two Time Covid Experience

Two Time Covid Experience

I came across Covid twice. First time I got infected with Covid symptoms and test out to be positive . Symptoms were mild fever , body ache , fatigue . After 3-4 days loss of smell and taste. Precautionary I went 21 days of quarantine at home . After 3 months I got my First vaccination dose and after another two months second dose.

Now I was fully vaccinated getting relief from RT-PCR before boarding to any flight or entering any venue that require RT-PCR reports.

It has been just a month I got myself fully vaccinated that I have to travel to Delhi via Shatabdi Express . At time when I was having my meal one person sitting in front of me not wearing mask sneezes and here I got infected I guess. Now here is why everyone should wear mask . Mask protect us from incoming droplets towards us . Its our protective gear. Has the person wear his mask or may be if I wasn’t having my meal I may got saved .

Again I got infected with Covid no guess about being it omicron or some other variant . Guessing the symptoms I isolated myself immediately . I do self testing at Home with Abbott Panbio Covid -19 Antigen Self Test which I ordered from 1mg and turns out to be positive. This time symptoms are forehead ache , tiredness, sore throat , cough , body ache. No loss of smell and taste this time . After 4 days I again self test its still positive but after 7 days when I feel much better and test again its negative. This third wave infections are not severe . From a survey with many of my relatives and friends who got infected in this wave I came across that this variant is not harming much and is settling in 5-6 days if you keep yourself well hydrated and not exerting much . Its not about getting infected its about reducing body immunity , suffering for so many days, Isolation from family . In my opinion if every citizen take their own responsibility we can overcome all these waves very soon .One more incident I want to share : In last wave my husband also got infected , in spite of denial my daughter rush to him and slept in his arms . As my Husband haven’t removed his mask she got saved and haven’t got infected . So mask is must . We all should value it. If we all follow guidelines maintain distance , wear proper mask , sanitize our premises , those who got infected should properly isolate themselves ,I guess we can easily beat these waves . We wear mask not for the government or anyone else . We are wearing it for ourselves ,our near and dear ones.

Stay Safe , Stay Healthy.

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