Arthritis Diet Treatment

Arthritis Diet Treatment

NATURAL DIET TREATMENT FOR ARTHRITIS DIET PLAN Early Morning : Empty stomach Take 2 potatoes Grate them Squeeze out 1/2 cup potato juice Now take 1 cup of warm water add 1/2 cup potato juice Add 1 tsp. Honey and 1/2 lemon juice. Intake Daily. Walk for 10 mins, then increase by 5 minutes upto 40 mins as per your pace slowly and gradually on weekly basis. Application of hot compress and cold compress on affected area 5 times. Each time 1 minute hot compress and 3 minute cold compress (Take a towel ,dip in Hot Water squeeze it apply

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Diabetes Diet Chart

Diabetes Diet Chart

NATURAL TREATMENT FOR DIABETES : Diet Chart 7 :00 a.m : Tulsi (Holy Basil) Tea -1 cup 7:30 a.m. : Walk for 30 minutes 9:00 a.m /Breakfast : Stuffed chapati with any one raw Vegetable listed below: Fenugreek (Methi) Spinach (palak) Chenopodium album (Bathua) Amaranth greens (Chaulai) Cauliflower Raw Pappaya + 1 katori (small bowl) curd OR Sprouts of any one listed: Green gram (Saboot moong) Moth Dal (Saboot moth) Soyabean Garbanzo beans (Kale Chane) + Add 1/2 Cucumber + 1/2 Tomato + 1/4th Lemon + Salt according to taste to sprouts 11:00 a.m. : Ripe Pappaya (Fruit) (100gms.) +

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Golden Era of Child

Golden Era of Child

Often a times I came across Parents asking when will he /she grew up. I got tired . He/she is so naughty , do so much of tantrums , stubborn. I haven’t slept for so many nights. How to handle my child? Kindly give some suggestions. So all my dear friends based on my own experience i must say this is the Actual Golden Era of everyone’s life . These moments never come back . Today your toddler is making you run all the time around him /her Make things mismanaged but once he/she started becoming independent by the age

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Parenting : When Kids focus on excuses

Parenting : When Kids focus on excuses

When Kids focus on excuses A parent need to focus on responsibility. A bit complex yet easy . In Simple terms When a child started giving excuses instead of facing the situation honestly it is a clear cut indication to get involved . Your presence is a need of time .  A parent from his or her vast experience can easily judge whether a child is giving excuse or it is really a honest genuine reason . If it is a excuse then a parent needs to pay attention towards his child . It may be a storm building up

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Parenting : Security and Support

Parenting : Security and Support

Trust , security and support are essential aspects for a PARENT – CHILD BOND. It is a need of hour today . To strengthen and always cherish our Parent Child Bond What as a Parent we can do is Security : A simple yet very vast term . Make your child feel secure . Ensure him your security at every phase of life. Ensure him/her that you will be around whenever he/she needs you. Ensure your child that whatever he or she does you will always be there for them . Sometimes whenever something wrong happen children try to hide

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Parenting : Balance Authority and Relationship

Parenting : Balance Authority and Relationship

A parent needs to act many roles in a Child life . There are different stages where A parent need to be authortative and stages where he needs to be friendly. When a child is in age group 2 – 7 years a parent is more authortative as its the age group when A parent can inculcate the Values , Discipline in child . A set of instructions to follow . Here at this stage Parent act as a Instructor , a teacher , an entertainer , a care taker everything for the child . Above all A PARENT is

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