Parenting : Balance Authority and Relationship

Parenting : Balance Authority and Relationship

A parent needs to act many roles in a Child life . There are different stages where A parent need to be authortative and stages where he needs to be friendly.

When a child is in age group 2 – 7 years a parent is more authortative as its the age group when A parent can inculcate the Values , Discipline in child . A set of instructions to follow . Here at this stage Parent act as a Instructor , a teacher , an entertainer , a care taker everything for the child . Above all A PARENT is a Reason To Child’s SMILE . If a mother or father laugh child laugh , if they are sad child also become sad. A child is totally a Parent Child Irrespective of his /her friends.

In age group 8-12 years in today’s scenario the child become smart and started roaming in his world . Here A parent authority started to diminsh a bit. Now a Child enters a new world. Here its a need to understand Child psychology . His tastes of food , his choice of colors , his/her liking ,disliking started changing . He/she is not a cerelac child anymore . Now here A parent have to balance his authority and relationship with Child . A parent is in a stage where he need to balance in order to build a good life long trustworthy bond with child. At this stage you need to build your faith and trust in your child because his next upcoming stage is teenage.

After 12 Years now the Child enters completely in his/her world. Here A MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING OUR WAY stage starts. Means Mutual Decision. Here a Complete parent authority will not work . Its OUR WAY . Some Of Child’s opinion and some of A Parent. There is a difference between Being Friendly and being Friend . A parent will always be a Parent . So here you can be friendly with your child but not his/her friend . You can’t match his age group , his psychology , generation gap . So let him enjoy his journey but with you along passively. Try to be friendly with them in their decisions and opinions. Don’t try to overpower them . That will not work rather worse the situation. Here Your security and time both matters to your child.

Start from today , Bit we act wisely ,more the child will as small changes have greater long term impact.

Stay Safe , Stay Healthy .

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