Activities for Children at Home

Activities for Children at Home

In today’s scenario when its not possible for children to go out of Home here is a list of Best activities for children to do at home which keeps them physically and mentally fit.

1.) Small Ball throw : Children have to throw ball on wall with right hand and catch it with left hand 25 times and then vice versa. Distance of child should be 2 feet from wall. Ball thrown should be at eye level.

2.) Colour creativity : Give your child only 2 colour combinations like blue and green sketch pen , a pencil and two match stick and ask him/her to draw his imagination with this . Appreciate whatever he or she draws. Your appreciation is important.

3.) Fun Balance : Stand on one leg by folding other in front of your child and Ask your Child to do so too . Don’t beat the time of your child . You have to defeat yourself in front of your child assuring him /her is doing better than you to create interest. Let him stand on one leg for one minute if he/she does its great, if not then let’s set fun way challenge time duration like Okay we will try day after tomorrow again at 4:00 pm whosoever win is the winner.

4.) Hopping : Hop Hop Hop up to kitchen or main door . Then back.

5.) Make a Puzzle : Ask your child to make 3 puzzles for you. Let him/her use their brains . Show interest in solving their puzzles.

Try initially with these activities ,then we will suggest more .

In each of above activity Children will be focused on whatever they do because without focus they wont be able to do the activity. Its a type of meditation too as when they have to catch the ball they have to be completely aware and focused towards the ball. Similarly Drawing and Puzzle utilize their time in creating something new with their own imagination.

Instead of lot of activities try these few to start with. Don’t Forget to comment below.

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