by Nisha Garg | Aug 18, 2017 | Parenting
Packaged Health Foods: The claims of most of the health food advertisements are highly exaggerated. There is no single food with special health giving properties. There is no special weight reducing food. The only really effective way of cutting down weight is using more will power to eat right and to adapt healthy living The preservatives of canned food do more harm than benefits. They may work temporarily but not practicable for a lifetime of healthy living. An apple a day certainly will not keep doctor away . Nor can the memory be strengthened if 12 almonds a day are
by Nisha Garg | Jun 2, 2017 | Parenting
Sometimes you wish to go for a walk, knowing how good it is for your health and how wonderful you feel afterwards, yet, you feel too lazy and prefer to watch TV instead. You may be aware of the fact that you need to change your eating habits or stop smoking, yet, you do not have the inner power and persistence to change these habits. This is what we lack of will power A person with a weak willpower risks becoming a slave of his body and his habits. Being conducted by blind instincts, he will no longer have the
by Nisha Garg | Jun 1, 2017 | Parenting
Listen to your body If you are not feeling well don’t exert yourself anymore. Listen to your body immediately .Have a sound sleep. Take a healthy steamed meal and hot warm water. Ignoring body signals may do more harm. Drink plenty of fluids Drink as much water and juice as possible to help counter the dehydration. Fluids are also important for loosening and removing secretions and stuffiness from the body. Fluids may also help soothe a sore throat. Alcohol and caffeine tends to dehydrate, so try to avoid it. Fluids are helpful in expelling out toxic material out of body.It
by Nisha Garg | May 31, 2017 | Parenting
Many a times people ask me which one is better Gym or Yoga ? What we do to keep ourselves fit and healthy ? Do we join Gym ?? In this concern we sort certain differences and benefits of both : YOGA Different schools of yoga yield different fitness and health benefits. On the fitness front, by and large, with yoga one can expect increased flexibility, toning, strengthening to a certain degree, meditation and breathing exercises.” You don’t need any equipment, just some space around yourself to practice the various asanas. You save the travel time needed to go to
by Nisha Garg | May 29, 2017 | Parenting
Mind power is the second strongest power next to the spirit. The thoughts that pass through your mind are responsible for everything that happens in your life. Your predominant thoughts influence the do’s & don’t s of your life. It’s only your mind power that can either make you excel in life or can refrain you. It is the ability of the mind to build mental scenes, objects or events that do not exist. We all face various challenges each day, at home, at work, at the store and on the street. Many of them are just minor challenges, with which we deal automatically and
by Nisha Garg | May 3, 2017 | Parenting
Do we ever wonder when we pour water externally on our body and all our internal organs get refreshed and relaxed. Taking bath is healthy because it removes dirt and impurities from skin. But how internal relaxation and freshness is felt ? There are specialized bath treatments that are used in natural treatment which add a whole new dimension to the role of bathing in health. Let’s have a look on one of the Detoxing Bathing Techniques i.e : HOT FOOT BATH Benefits of Hot Foot Bath This treatment is especially useful for people with : Headaches Neuralgia
by Nisha Garg | Apr 28, 2017 | Parenting
When eating bananas, people often choose the golden, ripe ones, but have you ever tried eating unripe, green bananas? Both are beneficial in their own ways. Have we ever wonder Ripe Banana may increase sugar level whereas unripe banana reduce sugar. Here are Amazing health benefits of Eating Banana …. RIPE BANANA: Bananas help overcome depression due to high levels of tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin — the happy-mood brain neurotransmitter. Eat two bananas before a strenuous workout to pack an energy punch and sustain your blood sugar. Protect against muscle cramps during workouts and night time leg cramps by eating
by Nisha Garg | Apr 24, 2017 | Parenting
Healthy Nutrients is a need of hour of our body. Sprouts are the cheapest and most convenient source of complete nourishment. They are food for long-term health and wellness. If consumed judiciously and chosen over other foods, they can prevent diseases and lifestyle-related ailments. Sprouting a seed enables it to produce an enormously enhanced bundle of nutrients. These are essentially pre-digested foods as the seeds’ own enzymes do most of the work. The nutritional changes that occur during sprouting primarily happen because complex compounds get broken down into simpler forms. This, added to development of some essential nutrients, constituents, and
by Nisha Garg | Apr 20, 2017 | Parenting
Today we all forget about out clay pitchers and got addicted to plastic container water ,refrigerator water, but do we ever bother to understand the main logical concept of drinking clay pitcher water. Why in ancient times and even today health conscious people prefer to have clay pitcher water instead of refrigerated water ? Lets understand the logic NATURAL ELEMENT Its only clay which gives birth to unlimited fruits ,vegetables , flowers ,seeds etc. Clay contains all the necessary natural elements required by our body. Clay pots not only cool the water down, they also provide healing with
by Nisha Garg | Apr 17, 2017 | Parenting
Summer, though really a great time to be outdoors, is also a time to be extra caring towards your health. And here we show you useful ways to ensure health care in summer. Start your day with a little exercise or walk or yoga in fresh air. Drink plenty of water Coconut water , 1 glass milk shake , 1 glass of any seasonal juice would do wonders . Avoid aerated drinks instead have healthy drinks in form of lemon water ,glucose water, electral water . Water melon , Musk melon are richest source of natural mineral water .
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